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You will be receiving an email with your FREE HEART HEALING MEDITATION soon.

In the meantime, we wanted to offer you something super fun with connection, healing and a space to commune with other soul sisters.

Each month we host a community healing experience- Embodied Soul Sessions.

You have a special offer on this page only!

BUY 1, GET 1


For just $33, you'll receive THIS month's Embodied Soul Session PLUS get next month's session for FREE!

And yes, replay is available if you cannot make it live.

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Embodied Soul Sessions
is our monthly digital gathering place.

Where we come together from all over the world to commune, connect and tap into both our individual and collective ascension codes… 

They happen every 4th Thursday of the month at 4:00pm EST. Replays are available.


As long as you show up
willing to receive, you will...

  • Become more aligned; mind, body and soul

  • Come into clarity and awareness of how you can fully embody your gifts

  • Feel inspired and insightful

  • Experience love on a whole new level

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